Monday, April 8, 2024

Skiull 0.6

Download links

Please don't mirror the download link, just send it to this page!!

I can compile it for macos, but only if someone request it, just give some time and I will compile it, leave a comment and later I will edit this post

NOTE: Android compiles were not tested

Operating & architectures Compiled with Link
Windows x64 gcc 7.1 mingw64
GNU/Linux x64 gcc 12.2
Android arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64 android-ndk-r25c, android-19=Android 4.4, android-21=Android 5.0

Please report any bug

What's new

  • A lot of code refactoring
  • Some improvements
  • Added a basic LMR
  • Eval is still the same

Tests says that is 90± ELO than 0.5